Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just Six to Eight Weeks

If anyone in the last few weeks has asked me when they think we will break ground on the new house, my answer is, 6 to 8 weeks. I think that's been my standard answer for the last 6 weeks. Hopefully we'll make some real progress in the next week so that I can revise my answer to something a little more concrete.

Right now we're waiting on several things:
  1. The city to finish making final comments (again) so that the engineer can make final edits and print mylars.
  2. Once the mylars are printed, we will get signatures and record the new plat drawing and utility plans.
  3. We need to complete the development agreement. This needs to be complete before they can issue a building permit.
  4. We need to make the final decisions on a few things, like plumbing, before our GC can apply for a building permit. Luckily we can apply for the building permit anytime and can do that congruent to the finalization of the plat drawings.

Six to eight weeks...

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