Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Or Today Either

Weather has put us in a situation where we really can't get started. The temps were better today and supposed to be better tomorrow, but by the weekend, we're supposed to get another cold snap. Wayne really wants to get moving, but wants to ensure that everything goes right and he thinks it is just too cold to get the concrete in. The ground is better off if it is still covered and not exposed by a big hole. He even mentioned that some of the concrete quarries were closed because of the cold.

So, we are just watching the long range weather forecast to see if we can get started soon. Then Christmas is only a week away. I hate to say this, but it may be the week we're gone in ND to see Miles' family. That would be a bummer, but I'll leave my camera with Grammie and Bumpa and they can take the daily pictures. Sort of anti-climactic at this point.

We DID get our building permit, though, so everything is official and ready to go from the city's perspective. We also met with our bank and have locked on a 5% permanent mortgage for the house when it is complete - wow! We will also close on our construction loan probably on Friday.

We also met with Jamie K., our interior decorator/designer, and she had some really good suggestions on the house. Some minor changes to doors and materials, etc. and some suggestions on what to focus on first; 1) exterior, 2) kitchen design, cabinets, appliances and 3) windows, roof, stone and stucco colors.

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