Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting Ready to Cover Up

They had a city and engineering inspection yesterday on the foundation and everything passed with flying colors. Today they were out finishing the perimeter drainage and sump pump system - we'll have 2, and back-filling. They will cover the basement with gravel, flatten it out, float the drainage pipes on the gravel. They will be ready to do the foundation and garage flatwork probably on Monday!!

We close on our construction loan today, so that will finally be out of the way.

Wayne mentioned that one of his houses may be available to rent if we sell our house before the new house is complete. We plan to put our house on the market on February 1. We just don't know how long it might take to sell. After all the great improvements we've done, I'm afraid that it will sell in the first week. And then again, I'm afraid that it won't sell... Such a game to play. I'm pretty resigned to the fact we'll likely have to move twice unless the buyers would be willing to lease back to us until we are able to move into our new house.

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