Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Horrible Weather

The framers have been battling a horrible spring weather pattern that has produced horrible wind through the framing process. We got the trusses up last week and then got a foot of snow. After the snow melted and they were able to get back out to the house, the wind showed up again. Putting sheathing up on the roof when it is this windy is probably very dangerous, so they didn't work yesterday. They did work over the weekend, so they are trying to keep up with the work.

I'm not really sure where they are on septic and water line which they were going to do last Thursday when we got our snow. We are also supposed to get snow tomorrow and on Friday again. I haven't looked at a new forecast, so need to check with Wayne.

It is sunny and calm right now, so hopefully they're getting some work done today. They now have a lift to help get all the material up to the roof for them so they don't have to carry it up and down. More pictures hopefully this afternoon.

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